- Published Date 05/10/2023
- By John Patton
- Category: Property & Casualty
General Lines Property & Casualty License
If you're getting ready to take General Property and Casualty License exam or any exam for that matter, it's good to know what you're getting yourself into.
Property and casualty insurance, or P&C insurance, is a term to describe a bunch of different types of insurance, covering your personal property and offering liability coverage. P&C insurance does not include other types of insurance coverage such as life insurance or health insurance. Just like property and casualty insurance involves two kinds of coverage, each type of insurance falls into two categories: commercial and personal. Commercial property and casualty insurance are purchased by entities such as hospitals, governments, and businesses while individuals buy personal insurance policies.
The exact type of exam you take and the licensing you apply for will depend on your career goals. For example, if you are the in the property and casualty insurance business, you have two options. You can seek a non-resident agent license or resident agent license in your state. In many cases, a resident agent license in your state is adequate. The format of insurance exams is a timed, proctored, multiple choice test, consisting of around 50-180 questions. The actual length of each exam will depend on the state you are testing in, and the license for which you are applying. Some of the typical prohibited items include cellular devices, iPads, music players, study materials, and handbags. Some testing locations offer personal lockers for the duration of the exam.
Research shows that repetition is one of the most effective test-taking strategies, so our test-taking experts also developed the Texas Insurance Training Academy. Designed with professional-quality material, these flash cards feature thorough, yet easy-to-read explanations of all the major topics on the test. Our live classes can cut your study time down by at least 10 days. We get you focused on the information you need and get rid of the fluff. Take our class, study what we tell you and get our guarantee that you pass your exam the first time.
We currently have classes scheduled in the following locations.
● Dallas
● Houston
If you are from Dallas or Houston and if you are looking for the right place to start preparing for General Lines Property & Casualty License please check our classrooms. We look forward to assisting you in passing the Property & Casualty Insurance License Exam. Check out our website and book your lesson https://www.texasinsurancetrainingacademy.com or if you have questions please write an email our experts will assist you.